Sunday, April 3, 2011

Source Code

Sure based on the trailer people might assume it was Groundhogs Day. Only turned into a scfi-thriller. Could they be right or way wrong?

The Soucre Code tells the story of a soldier who awakes aboard a train only to find things are a bit off settling. Soon he discovers he is someone else. Only to be killed in a explosion. Traveling back to his original body. He meets Goodwin. Who is his contact through a monitor She begins to slowly and dreadfully explain just what the source code is. The story seems simple. Though it finds ways to keep you second guessing to the very last minute.

Jake Gyllenhaal has been in good films and yet bad ones as well. I'm still trying to forget Prince of Persia. Anyway this time around he delivers a good performance. Ranging from different emotions. The weak link of the cast would have to be Vera Farmiga. Who I expected far more from. Seeing her in Up In The Air and The Departed. She showcased way more than in those films. In fact most of the time I found her character to be annoying. Michelle Monaghant is not as deep as her character should have been. She more so fills the spot. Now Jeffrey Wright plays quite a character. Being at times the bad guy and the good guy though he pulls it off very well. Through out the film you can tell who is of the main focus through out the film is Jake.

This film has so many levels to it. It's hard not to find something to like. Certain scenes were shot beautifully. Showing how deep the relationship between Jake and Michelle characters are. That credit goes to Duncan Jones. Who also directed Moon. Though I run into a problem. It felt as if it was missing something. As to what I can't place a finger on it.  I can't say the ending but it's quite a mind trip. That will leave you talking and talking for days. If you have seen primer. Then that's the feeling I'm referring too. Overall if you like a good popcorn thriller. Those parts are there but it does have a hint of smartest to it. So for a low price go ahead you will easily enjoy the time.

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