Friday, March 4, 2011


It's not every day, I can say these words. This is something truly creative and never before seen in the world of cinema. The premise behind Rubber is that it's a rubber tire hellbent on killing. Bare with me, cause I know that sounds just completely stupid. Trust me, it is pretty far out there though in a good way or bad? Read on to find out.

With a great start of opening dialog that will over work your mind. I believe this was stated for no other reason than explaining to ignore all logical thoughts and to sit back and enjoy. Behind the simple premise I can't explain much of any story to find. The tire rises, falls in love and goes upon a killing spree for no reason. Despite killing it's victims in only one way. It never gets boring seeing the after effect. I do find myself enjoying the parts in which it pretents to portray a regular film. Instead they decide to throw in an extremely confusing side story. Something to the effect of nothing the audience is seeing is real. Though when I say audience I don't mean us. I'm refering to the audience within the film. See what I mean by confusing huh? A play on play if that makes any sense.

The tire which is named Robert is the standout performance of the cast. I believe there is more emotion from the tire than the rest of the cast. Which says a lot about the acting overall. None of the characters have any depth and that's really a shame. The sheriff, the girl, the helper and the watcher. All could have had a deep background story though their left as bland as their title names. This only hurts the film even more. It's as if we wondered into a film from the second act and then left without a seeing the first or third. We are left with really nothing other than a killer tire with some awesome killing scenes.

Where was the connection between the cops finding the girl is beyond me. One minute they find the tire inside a house. Next scene their's the women the tire has had a crush on helping them. No relations or any info given as to how these two came together. More scenes follow that same out of place format. When your synopsis reads something along the lines of "A Killer Rubber Tire." I would like to see an extremely cheesy popcorn flick. Expecting a grindhouse style movie was no fault on my own. Though what I receive was a art house movie trying to be way to smart for it's subject matter. In which showing us something truly unbelievable but then taking the time to poke fun at us. As if making fun of an action star who doesn't get hurt jumping through a window. Is only taking us straight out of the film's world. Not sure about others though when I watch a film. I would liked to be transported into that world not thrown out and then tossed back in. With an expectance to believe. Choosing the simple route would have helped greatly.

Overall I can't recommend spending full price much less the on demand pricing for this title. With such high prices you run the risk of having an empty feeling in your mind and your wallet. If your looking for a great popcorn flick you would easily find half of it here. Though if you could catch it on Netflix or at Redbox. Which is surely low costing. It would be easily worth a watch.

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