Recently while surfing around the web. I came across this very interesting banner ad for the Disney film Tangled.
Being that Tangled wasn't apart of the popular Pixar releases. This was a true original release of Disney. In fact it was the 50th release of the Disney animated classics. Which boast such titles as Lion King and Little Mermaid. Though what's funny about this ad is the use of Rotten Tomatoes stamp. Since when did the large company of the mighty mouse need help. Are they losing their seal of approve and by that I mean if it does not have the Pixar label. Does that make the audience take a second guess? Princess and the frog while being an acclaim film. Did not receive the high return value Disney had hope for. As for the banner I believe they were boosting a already well received film. As if showing that it has a fresh rating will increase it's already number 2 spot at the time. Are people so swayed that at first if a movie doesn't interest them. A high rating might change that?
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